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Understanding and managing post-daycare tantrums: A Parent’s Guide

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Ok, so I hope that you know deep deep down that even though your child cries when they see you it doesn’t mean they hate you or don’t love you. Really, it doesn’t. In fact it’s actually the complete opposite!

You see, the reason your child seems fine and dandy all day without you and then falls apart when they see you is actually because of the strong relationship you have with them.

It’s because you are their safe-space, they finally feel safe enough to release all emotions that have been building up throughout the day.

It’s because they trust that you will support them and listen to them and comfort them when they need it most.

It’s because they know that your love for them is unconditional even when they are upset and vulnerable.

It’s because they’ve been holding it all together all day and they finally feel secure enough to let it all out.

So really, try to see it as a compliment đŸ¥° because it is.

Watch this video for 3 things you can do to minimise post-daycare tantrums 

Photo by BBC Creative on Unsplash 

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If you are a parent of a toddler, you really want to watch this masterclass on Toddler Emotions. Give it a go, trust me it will turn your day around.

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