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Dealing with bedtime tantrums and meltdowns: A Parent’s Guide

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In our house bedtimes are either a dream or a nightmare! (*pun intended 😆)

See, my daughter (5) is extremely active, energetic and always doing stuff so she doesn’t really “have time” during the day for a big meltdown. Her release usually comes just before bed. She’s always been that way, even as a 2 year old.

Bedtime is her time to just get everything off her chest, everything that she has been building up over the day, or sometimes a few days, all pours out. 

And I have to be honest with you, it’s not an easy way to end the day 😬 If you think 2 year olds are loud…5 year olds are next level loud!

I used to get really frustrated, impatient with her, just wanting her to go to sleep and let me get on with my evening.

Have you ever felt this way , when you know your little one just. needs. to. gO. TO. SLEEP! … but they don’t 😭 and they cry for ages instead.

It doesn’t help, that at the end of the day EVERYONE is feeling tired, exhausted, patience is low, emotions are high, basically everyone just needs a rest, right?

I feel like I have gotten past that phase of frustration and anger (I mean mine) and I’m going to share with you a few things that have helped me deal with bedtime meltdowns.


Watch this video for 5 things you can do to ease the bedtime meltdowns and hopefully help everyone get a bit more sleep.

Photo by Ben Griffiths on Unsplash 

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