Ultimate Toddler Bundle

Everything you need to know to sail smoothly through toddlerhood.

2 x self-paced Courses, 4 x Masterclasses, 2 x Reflective Workbooks, 1 x Reflective Journal, 1 x Ebook, 10+ pdf downloads

Have you ever wondered if you can survive the toddler years without power struggles, without tantrums, without constant negotiations, without big tears over nothing?


Truth is, those things will not stop because all of the above are a normal and natural part of human development.

THE GOOD NEWS IS that you can learn how to respond and deal with your toddler’s emotional roller-coaster ride in a way that DOESN'T leave you exhausted and at your wits end.

The Ultimate Toddler Bundle has resources that will guide you through even the toughest and roughest waters of toddler storms.

Have you ever felt helpless and emotionally drained when your child is having their 467th meltdown of the day?

Are you worried about setting firm boundaries and how to respond when your child keeps testing them over and over again?

Imagine feeling totally at peace with your child’s big feelings.

Imagine feeling 100%  confident when setting and holding boundaries in a respectful and loving way.

Imagine having a solid plan of action when you’re faced with yet another power struggle.

When you’re hiding in the toilet just to escape the noise, when you feel like joining in with all the screaming and crying, when you find yourself bawling your eyes out the moment everyone else has calmed down (all my own true stories by the way) know that YOU ARE NOT ALONE!!!!!


I’ve helped hundreds of parents build a stronger connection with their young children and ultimately create a more peaceful atmosphere in their homes and I’m ready to help you too!

This is me

I’ve survived 3 x  toddlerhood (twice at the same time, #twinmumma here!) and have over a decade of experience working with young children and supporting them with their emotions.

This bundle was created as a result of working with parents like you and my own personal experience as a parent and teacher. It’s the culmination of years of workshops, consultations and conversations I’ve had with parents, meaning it contains EXACTLY what parents need.

I know the day-to-day chaos of raising 3 young children so all my advice is easy to follow and is based on you really understanding your child as a human being and tuning into your own parental-genius. It’s really not rocket-science and I guarantee you can do this!


Being a parent is HARD AF! It’s the most conflicting existence I can think of! So many emotions, all at once, all together, all the time! Ooofft!

But of course it is the most wonderful thing in the universe. Knowing that NO-ONE ELSE IN THE WORLD can hold and comfort and love your child as much as you do.

Knowing that YOU are the only person in the WORLD that matters to your child, that you ARE their world!

Parenting is hard. Toddlerhood is hard. But we have the power to shift our perspective.

Instead of surviving these ‘battles’ with our “terrible-twos” and our “threenagers” let’s enjoy and appreciate this amazing period of development and guide our children through the tough moments because that’s all they really are: moments, in which our children need our support and our loving guidance. I will show you how to do this.

Don’t let those ‘terrible’ labels define who your toddler is or who you are as a parent.

You already ARE the perfect parent for your child, but I get that sometimes you’re tired and irritable, we all get that! There is no space for guilt here, only compassion and love for yourself, reflection and growth.

Take charge of raising your toddler in a way that feels right to you. In a way that will support their healthy emotional development and build a beautiful relationship that will last a life-time.

What's in the Bundle?

Over £350 worth of resources that you can go through at your own pace in your own time.

Are you ready to make a shift in your home and in your life?

What Parents have to say:



Are you ready to shift the atmosphere and vibe in your home and in your family?

From screaming >> to cooperation

From stress >> to compassion

From worry >> to confidence

You can do this!

Price < Value

I already told you the value of everything contained in this bundle.

But let me ask you, how much is your peace of mind worth? How much is your sanity worth? How much is your mental health and your child’s mental health worth? I know what you’re gonna say…Priceless! And I 100% agree!

By putting in a bit of effort & doing this work you are actually changing your and your child’s lives.

This is the first step you can take to changing your life.

£25 for the Ultimate Toddler Bundle < Changing yours and your child’s lives

Less arguments, less yelling, less power struggles.

Got Questions?

You don’t! The thing you have to remember is you’re not working on a “project”. You are working on improving your relationship with your child. You + your child are both human and human relationships are dynamic. There will be good days and tough days.

But if you’re stuck in a power struggle rut, if you’re feeling tantrum fatigue, nothing will change unless you do something about it. You are the one in this relationship with the willingness and maturity to make a change. When you do…your child will mirror you (they always do).

I’m not gonna lie to you and say it’s super easy, no bumps ahead. But I will guarantee that if you are open to viewing things differently you WILL notice things changing.

Take a small step each day. Small steps lead to big changes.


No-one. With small kids around, honestly you don’t have time for anything! Unless you see this as an important part of your parenting journey and a way to improve your relationship with your child. If you see the value and believe in yourself, you will find the time.

It’s self-paced so you can watch or listen at your convenience and I am always at the end of an email if you have any questions.


That’s great! Your kid is not something that needs to be ‘worked’ on! They are their own person and I can tell you, if your approach and goal is to change your child, don’t buy the bundle! First you need to admit that change starts with you. Once you’re there, beautiful things will happen in your life.

The resources in the bundle give you plenty of strategies and ideas you can implement, but nothing will ‘work’ unless you are prepared to shift your views and challenge what you have been taught.

I get it. I really understand how tight finances are, believe me! I have PLENTY of free resources available to you on my social media platforms, blog and podcast. In fact, I probably talk about everything contained in the bundle at some point. The difference is you will have to go digging around and piece it all together yourself, which is totally ok! I do that too!

If you’d like a coherent and guided experience, put together with so much thought on the order, content and ways to help you implement it all, then the bundle option is here for you when you’re ready.


Aisha montessori rie prague playgroup

Hey, I'm Aisha

Mum of 3, Certified Early Years Educator, Parent Coach & Mentor. My work and passion is helping and supporting parents. Raising children in a respectful and mindful way is not easy and can sometimes feel isolating when people close to you don’t necessarily understand why you chose this path. In order to do this world-changing work, parents need to be supported. This is where I come in.

As a parent of 3 myself, I totally understand the busy and sometimes chaotic day-to-day life with children. This is why all my advice is streamlined, easy to implement and manageable.

My mission is to provide gentle guidance and support to help parents who feel overwhelmed & stuck in survival mode.

I will build up your confidence, empower you to believe in yourself and equip you with respectful & positive tools to create a more peaceful relationship with your children and bring calm and joy into your home.

I will celebrate your successes and hold your hand through the tough moments.

If you decide not to buy the bundle today that’s totally ok! I get that it’s maybe not what you need right now.

I’m always here for parents and I have plenty of free resources between my social media pages, blog & podcast. Come and say hello, I always LOVE hearing from parents.

We're all in this together and we've got this!

Don't go without your freebie!

If you are a parent of a toddler, you really want to watch this masterclass on Toddler Emotions. Give it a go, trust me it will turn your day around.

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