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16 – Potty Learning the Montessori Way

THE SECRET to making potty learning an enjoyable experience for both you and your child.

All children go through potty learning and it’s something every single parent has to face at some point.⁠

It can sometimes be a struggle and cause a lot of stress but the secret is it doesn’t have to be that way! It can be a wonderful journey that you and your child share (with a few clean ups here and there )⁠

In this interview I speak with Neus Carmona , who has helped hundreds of parents love potty learning as much as she does!⁠

We approach this topic from a child centred, Montessori point of view, focusing on the child and following their pace rather than forcing them to adhere to rules and schedules imposed by us.⁠

15 – Gentle Discipline – How the power of connection can transform the way you discipline your child

Discipline doesn’t have to be a conflict! You want your child to listen, you want your child to be caring and kind to others, you want your child to look after their belongings, you want them to be a good human…AND you also want to be a gentle & respectful parent.
You might hear people criticising gentle discipline, you might feel like you’re being judged if you’re not giving your child any punishments or consequences, you might worry that they will never learn the things you want them to…
Explore with me what gentle discipline is all about in this episode. I promise by the end of it, you will feel SO much more confident about using gentle discipline and empowered to reflect any judgemental comments, because YOU are building a secure relationship with your child.

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If you are a parent of a toddler, you really want to watch this masterclass on Toddler Emotions. Give it a go, trust me it will turn your day around.

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